The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit
autor: | Beatrix Potter |
wydawnictwo: | |
wydanie: | Warszawa |
data: | 5 lipca 2020 |
forma: | e-book (epub, mobipocket) |
liczba stron: | 1 |
ISBN: | 978-83-8217201-0 |
Do you know what happens to bad rabbits who don't say please? This, along with ,,The Story of Miss Moppet" was designed as a simple tale, intended for very young children with an important lesson in good manners, of what befalls a rude little rabbit who doesn't say ,,please" when he wants something, but instead just takes it from someone else. The fierce bad rabbit learns the consequences of his unkind actions in an unusual way! ,,The Story of A Fierce Bad Rabbit" is number 20 in Beatrix Potter's series of 23 little books. One of the world's greatest children's writers and illustrators, Beatrix Potter created some of the most recognizable characters in English literature, including Peter Rabbit, Jemima Puddle-Duck and Benjamin Bunny.
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